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Harvesting the Fruits of Resilience: Our Journey into Mushroom Cultivation

May 2, 2024

In the early spring of 2021, our farm embarked on a whimsical experiment – cultivating mushrooms by inoculating logs with mycelium. This decision wasn't merely a farming venture; it was a manifestation of our curiosity and a commitment to utilizing the resources of our land in sustainable ways.

While commercial mushroom cultivation often occurs indoors, we deliberately chose to grow ours outdoors. This choice was rooted in our mission to produce our products as sustainability as possible while minimize energy consumption. The canopy of trees provided natural shade and filtered sunlight, creating an optimal environment for mushroom growth. Plus, mushrooms exposed to sunlight offer a rich source of vitamin D2, adding an extra health benefit to our produce.

Before diving into the cultivation process, we meticulously researched various edible mushroom types, selecting those best suited for our farm's sheltered environment. Tree selection was equally deliberate, tailored to the specific needs of each mushroom species. With each chosen tree felled and prepared, we made space within our sugarbush, facilitating easier access for tasks like collecting sap.

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Preparation of the logs required using a special bit to drill a series of holes into each log.  Each hole carved a pathway for the magic yet to come.


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Another special hand tool was then used to drive the mushroom spawn deep into each hole.


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To safeguard against unwanted intruders, each hole was sealed with beeswax.


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The logs were gently stacked and left to rest as the mushroom spawn penetrated the wood and the delicate threads of mycelium began to take their hold.


Yet, as with any endeavor, obstacles arose. Back-to-back droughts tested our resolve, casting doubt on the viability of our mushroom patch.

Then, late last fall, nature rewarded our patience and perseverance. As we wandered through the shelterbelt, we were astonished to find mushrooms emerging from the depths of the logs. It was a moment of pure joy and validation, affirming that our efforts had borne fruit—quite literally.



To our dear farm friends, each bite of our earthy mushrooms carries with it a story—a tale of patience, connection, and resilience. As you savor their rich flavor, know that you're not just enjoying a culinary delight; you're participating in a journey—a journey that reminds us of nature's capacity to surprise and the power of perseverance in the face of adversity.

So here's to cultivating resilience, one mushroom at a time. Cheers to the journey, and may each harvest be a testament to the beauty of working in harmony with the land.




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